Delay, or Not to Delay?

You can actually delay roof repairs as long as you like. However, we really wouldn’t recommend that. The longer you avoid repairing your roof, the sooner the entire roof will need to be replaced. 

Luckily, we’re here to help you out, and in the spirit of keeping you alert and aware, we’ve listed 4 reasons you should never postpone roof repairs; as well as the further damage it can cause if you do.


Leaks can be tricky. Depending on the size of the leak; your home may already be past the point of needing repairs. For example, if it’s a small leak, it is possible you can have it patched, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the issue is fixed. On the other hand, if it’s a big leak, it may be time to replace the roof all together at that point. Also, this greatly increases the chances of mold and mildew developing; which can lead to health concerns for you and your family. So, not only does it put your family in danger, but it raises the cost to fix your home, while doing.


It’s safe to say that seeing holes in your roof is an unwelcoming sight. Not only will this cause your heating and cooling cost to go through the celling; but on top of it, you get invasive visitors. Birds, raccoons, a few rodents, and who knows what else. To be honest, it’s kind of a welcome sign at that point.

Structural Issues

Delaying roof repairs can affect the very foundation of your home. This means the issue has moved from just your roof and is now transitioning to more areas of your home. Now structural damage is being done; which makes it even more of a dangerous environment for you and your family.

Extensive Cost

When it comes to your roof; the only things worse than needing a repair, is having to get a roof replacement before you’re ready. Well, if you fail to repair your roof in a timely manner, then a replacement is exactly what you’ll be dealing with. So it’s better to make sure you handle all issues with your home early as possible. It will greatly lessen your chances of dealing with extra cost before you’re prepared to.

Now, if you want to prevent some of these issues, then you can absolutely call us for a full inspection, and we can get it taken care of for you, if we catch it early enough. Or, if for some crazy reason, you’ve delayed repairs, and you’re already dealing with major issues such as structural or foundational problems; then the damage may already be done, and you will probably have to start looking at your options for a major overhaul.